In the sequel to Legally Blonde, Elle, now a lawyer, discovers something that turns her world upside down by tracing the pedigree of her Chihuaha Bruiser. She is horrified when she learns that Bruiser`s mother has been tested on animals for cosmetics. The pretty pink blonde decides to travel to Washington, D.C. to ban animal testing for cosmetics. Unfortunately, I have to agree with the reviews: the sequel, Legal Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde, is disappointing. I thought the jokes fell flat (although most people laughed at the theater). The premise that the blonde bombshell is much smarter than she looks was barely strong enough to support the first film and couldn`t support the sequel. But you know what? I think the film is a valuable contribution to pop culture and I`m glad it was made. Let`s not forget that pop culture is the greatest teacher the world has ever known. Most people get most of their information and opinions from news and pop culture sources. As many studies (under the heading « cultivation theory ») have shown, people forget that the data on which they base many of their opinions comes from fictional stories on television or in movies. They do not « remove » this data to account for the fact that it comes from fiction. In a different theoretical approach to cultural theory (« active audience »), viewers give the material their own twist and often arrive at interpretations different from those intended by the creators of the film or television show.
How many films have dealt with the legislative process? There have been quite a few movies and TV shows about the presidency and others about the Supreme Court, but how many can you name about Congress? It`s true.. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), the classic by Frank Capra and James Stewart. Maybe one in a thousand young people has seen it. The same is true of Advise and Consent (1962), which concerns the Senate`s consideration of a presidential appointment. And now, what else do you have? A few interesting films are about congressional campaigns – The Candidate (1972) and Bulworth (1998) come to mind – and there have been a few films about congressional investigations (HUAC in particular) – but what about the images dealing with the legislative process? Other than Mr. Smith and a few old westerns like Gene Autry`s Rovin` Tumbleweeds (1939) and a few forgotten TV shows and parodies of Simpson, I don`t see any. Given the centrality of pop culture in our bourgeois lives and the enormous importance of what`s happening at Capital Hill, that`s a huge gap. « First of all, my husband won`t have a part of me to dress an animal, » Witherspoon said. « He thinks it`s unworthy. » When persuasion did not work, Paine launched a large-scale campaign to embarrass Smith by proving (through false documents and testimony) that he would benefit financially from the construction of the boys` camp. Smith is about to be expelled from the Senate.
He visits the Lincoln Memorial and is ready to throw in the towel and go home, but Saunders finds her there. In an inspiring speech, she persuades him to keep fighting. Elle Woods, a fashionable queen sister, is abandoned by her boyfriend. She decided to follow him to law school. While there, she discovers that she is not limited to her appearance. Elle Woods, a fashionable queen sister, is abandoned by her boyfriend. She decided to follow him to law school. While there, she discovers that she is not limited to her appearance. Elle Woods, a fashionable queen sister, is abandoned by her boyfriend. She decided to follow him to law school. While there, she discovers that she is not limited to her appearance.
Witherspoon says Phillippe (Cruel Intentions, I Know What You Did Last Summer) has helped her balance everything that happens in her professional life with her busy personal life. The actress says she`s never tired of playing Elle because she thinks there`s something very valuable about the character. OK, this news is glossed over with LB2 and there are a lot of really stupid jokes. The film will leave most readers of this site completely cold. You will wonder why they wasted the time and the price of admission. They could have stayed home and watched a rented video of Mr. Smith. But please remember – we`re talking about popular culture here. Pop culture is produced solely to make money, and most of it is pretty stupid or trash. That`s not to say it`s not important.
Young people usually do not vote and are completely indifferent to the political process. If some of them leave the cinema with some of these very positive messages in mind, if they can give the film a personal twist and decide that they need to participate (or at least pay attention) to the legislative process, then LB2 will have a lasting and positive impact on our culture. Written on July 28, 2003 Smith is completely naïve and believes in the good faith of the famous people around him. He is ridiculed by everyone, especially the press. To prevent him from resigning, Paine encouraged him to introduce his own bill for a national boys` camp. He receives critical support from Clarissa Saunders, a cynical collaborator (Jean Arthur), who helps him draft and explains the entire legislative process. However, the camp would be located on Willet Creek — exactly the area Paine`s buddies designated for the dam. Saunders gives Smith a clue to what is really going on, and he decides to stop the twisted Willet Creek Dam. In Legally Blonde 2, Elle Woods becomes interested in banning animal testing after discovering that her dog`s mother is a prisoner of a cosmetics company.