The principle of legality is an essential precondition for the rule of law, as both aim to restrict state actions in order to guarantee citizens` rights and freedoms. The rule of law provides for the availability of rules, laws and legal mechanisms for their implementation. The principle of legality verifies the availability and quality of laws. Legality checks whether a certain behavior is legal or not. The concept of legitimacy of the law refers to the fairness or acceptability of fairness in the process of implementing the law. In criminal law, the principle of legality guarantees the rule of law in all criminal proceedings. Legality, on the other hand, is the property of the law, that is, of what is in conformity with the law and in conformity with the applicable legislation. It is considered that legal certainty requires that the action of public authorities be subject to the principle of legality. The principle is sometimes considered the « golden rule » of public law and is a necessary condition for affirming that a State is a State governed by the rule of law, since power has its foundation and its limit in legal norms. In close connection with this principle, the institution of the reservation of rights obliges the specific question to be regulated by norms which have the rank of law, in particular those relating to the intervention of public authorities in the field of the rights of the individual.
Therefore, these are matters that are prohibited by the rules and regulations issued by the executive. The reservation of rights reflects the liberal doctrine of separation of powers by preserving the rights of the legislative branch. In a document on the normative phenomena of morality, ethics and legality, legality is defined taking into account the role of the state as a system of laws and regulations for good and bad behavior that are enforceable by the state (federal, state or local government). in the United States) through the exercise of its police powers and judicial procedures, with the threat and application of sanctions, including its monopoly on the right to use physical force. [7] In contrast, many written constitutions prohibit the creation of retroactive (mainly criminal) laws. However, the possibility of repealing the statutes creates its own problems. Obviously, it is more difficult to determine what constitutes valid legislation when a number of laws may have constitutional question marks. When a law is declared unconstitutional, the actions of authorities and individuals who were lawful under the invalid law are then unlawful. Such a result cannot be achieved under parliamentary sovereignty (or at least not before factorization), since a law is a law and its validity cannot be challenged in any court. -the principle of legality of registration. It is specified that each document you wish to register must first be verified in order to be verified and thus verify that it is valid and perfect.
Legality is the legal framework for resolving situations and disputes. The principle of legality, also known as the primacy of the law, is defined as the primacy of the law over any other activity or act owned by public authority. The principle of legality is to guarantee and protect legal certainty. Although it is used throughout the legal system, it is gaining importance in the criminal, administrative and tax fields. Within the framework of the principle of legality, it acts in conjunction with the principle of the general interest, according to which the private interest must give way to the public or social interest, and with the principle of the separation of powers, according to which the public authority is divided into bodies with specific and limited functions for each of them. The first thing we will do before fully entering into the definition of the term culture of legality is to establish the etymological origin of the two names that shape it. Two words from Latin: In most countries, criminal law is based on the principle of legality. This means that a crime is listed only as long as the law expressly provides for it.
Starting from the general principle of legality, we find some variants and specifications: The concept of legality culture is therefore linked to the principles that people have regarding the law and the bodies responsible for its execution. These values are reflected in the behaviour of people who may or may not be attached to what is determined by the legal system. The principle of legality may be influenced differently by different constitutional models. In the United States, laws cannot violate established provisions of the U.S. Constitution that prohibit retroactive laws. In the United Kingdom, under the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, legislators can (theoretically) enact retroactive legislation that they deem just, although Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which has the force of law in the United Kingdom, prohibits any conviction for a crime that was not illegal at the time it was committed. Article 7 has already entered into force in a number of cases brought before the British courts. It should be noted that men and women living in a society where the culture of legality is lived have undertaken to develop the following measures: legality is a principle of international human rights law in its criminal law aspect and is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. However, the imposition of penalties for international or criminal crimes in accordance with « general principles of law recognized by civilized nations » is generally excluded from its scope. Therefore, trials and sentences for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity do not violate international law. The importance of the principle of legality is undisputed in all areas, but especially in administrative law. Among other things, because the administration must adhere to a hierarchical legal system according to this principle. In the case of Spain, the principle of legality is set out in the provisional title of the 1978 Constitution. Thus, Article 9.3 on the principles of the legal order of the person in question is set out in Article 9.3. In particular, it is noted that, like these others, it is fully guaranteed: Ewik and Silbey define « legality » more broadly than meanings, sources of authority, and cultural practices that are somehow legal, although they are not necessarily authorized or recognized by official law. The concept of legality is an opportunity to reflect on « how and with what effect the law occurs in and through shared social interactions ».
How are our roles and conditions, relationships, obligations, privileges and responsibilities, identities and behaviour related? The imprint of the law. [6] Ideally, the culture of legality should be developed on solid principles acceptable to the population. If the individual realizes that respect for the law is inconsistent or that even laws can be broken without consequences, this culture is undermined. It is therefore assumed that respect for the rule of law is not so important for the functioning of society. Legality as a value is a set of beliefs, values, norms, and actions that encourage people to believe in the rule of law and reject injustice. Legality as a value allows us to appreciate the respect and interests of the legal system on the part of individuals and those who apply the law. The ownership of legality and compliance with the law may belong to legality, that is, be compatible with the law, or they may be discussed in principle of legality, or they may be discussed as legal legitimacy. The principle of legality is known as the primacy of the law over any activity or function of public authority. This means that everything that emanates from the state must be regulated by law and never by the will of the individual. In contract law, the legality of the subject matter of any enforceable contract is required.
A contract for the exercise of an activity for illegal purposes cannot be validated or executed. [8] The principle of legality implies the primacy of law over the functions and activities of public authorities. To put it even more simply, the principle of legality means that all public power and every private act must be exercised by virtue of a written law. There is a debate as to whether this is really a real exception. Some would say that this is an exception or, perhaps even more serious, a violation of the principle of legality. While others would argue that crimes such as genocide violate natural law and, as such, are always illegal and always have been.