« Since the Kyrgyz Republic repealed its criminal laws against sex workers in 1998, there have been no criminal or administrative regulations prohibiting the sale of sexual services in Kyrgyzstan, although organizing or maintaining prostitution sites remains illegal. » The legality of prostitution in Australia varies considerably from state to state or territory, with each having its own laws. In New South Wales, prostitution is almost completely decriminalised (although pimping is still illegal). In Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria, sex work is legal and regulated. In Western Australia, the Northern Territory and South Australia, independent sex work is legal and unregulated, but brothels and pimping are illegal. The Indian Penal Code of 1860 also deals with prostitution but focuses on child abduction and prostitution. According to articles 372 and 373, it is illegal to buy, sell or import minors for the purpose of prostitution. Male prostitution is illegal, but everything else is legal. Bangladesh has a serious problem of human trafficking, perpetuated by corruption. Pimping and owning a brothel are also legal. Prostitution is legal in Mexico under federal law. The country`s 31 states each have their own policies on prostitution, and 13 of these states allow and regulate prostitution. Some cities have « tolerance zones » that act as red-light districts and allow regulated prostitution.
Pimping is illegal in most parts of Mexico. In South Africa, the Sexual Offences Act 1957 makes it illegal to have unlawful carnal intercourse with another person or to commit an indecent act in order to earn money. It also makes it illegal to run a brothel, hire someone to work as a sex worker or in a brothel, facilitate sex work, knowingly live off the products of sex work, promote immoral causes in public places, and engage in public indecency. Paying or otherwise rewarding a person over the age of 18 for a sexual act, whether or not such an act was committed, is unlawful under the Criminal Law Amendment Act 2007. « Prostitution policy and legislation are devolved matters and Scotland and Northern Ireland are free to legislate separately. In England and Wales, the sale and purchase of sexual services is legal, but various related activities are criminal. These include activities related to exploitation, such as controlling prostitution or running a brothel, and activities that may constitute a public nuisance, such as buying or selling sexual services in public. « House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, « Prostitution: Third Report of the 2016-17 Session, » parliament.uk, July 1, 2016 « As with any form of sex work, selling sex for money [in Scotland] is not illegal, but `related activities` – advertising, ramping on the sidewalk, keeping brothels – are. » ScotPep, « The Law », scot-pep.org (accessed 9 March 2018)In Northern Ireland, the sale of sexual services is legal, but the purchase of sexual services is illegal under section 15 of the Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons (Criminal Justice and Victim Support) Act 2015 (Northern Ireland). Prostitution is legal and regulated by Ley No. 17.515 of 2002: Trabajo Sexual – Se Dictan Normas. Compared to other continents, Europe has very different laws when it comes to prostitution. The most widespread legal system in the European Union is that which allows prostitution itself (the exchange of sex for money) but prohibits related activities (brothels, pimping, etc.).
Prostitution remains illegal in most ex-communist countries in Eastern Europe. 4. Colombia: Colombia (the Republic of Colombia) is a South American country whose capital is Bogota. Colombia is another country where prostitution is legal and widely accepted. There is no law that criminalizes the act. « Germany is one of the states that not only allows prostitution, but also wants to control it through additional laws. [Prostitution is] legal but regulated. Prostitution is illegal under the Penal Code and section 8 of the Sexual Offences Act 1991.
« The national legal situation in Spain since 1995 is that prostitution is legal, but totally unregulated. Since 01.07.2015, a new law prohibits the purchase of sexual services in certain public places. Prostitution is illegal under articles 363 to 368 of Federal Act No. 3 of 1987 promulgating the Criminal Code. Brazil: However, another place where prostitution is legal says it is illegal to run a brothel or employ sex workers in any other way. Yet dozens of brothels fill the cities where prostitutes engage in sexual activity. Here are some of the countries where prostitution is legal. The sale of sexual services is legal, but the purchase of sexual services comes after the adoption of Law No. 2016-444 with the aim of strengthening the fight against the prostitution system and supporting prostitutes.
Prostitution is clearly a dirty business, otherwise there would have been no public policy regulating the profession. Some countries are silent on whether or not they are legal, but due to the nature of the transaction, it is necessary that a country`s position on prostitution be clearly defined and, better yet, regulated.